October 2017 Issue

A summary of this month's contents.

Win a Microchip PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics Starter Kit - Don't miss the chance to win this valuable prize! Read EPE for entry details!

Brand new educational series from EPE!



Teach-In 2018 - Get Testing! Electronic Test Equipment and Measurement Techniques

Announcing a brand new series aimed at electronics hobbyists, trainees and students, offering both insightful theory and practical advice for getting the best from your test equipment. In Part 1 this month, analogue and digital multimeters are described in detail along with the circuit theory related to various measuring modes. A simple hobby project – a handy multimeter checker – is also included. If you’re interested in investigating or troubleshooting electronic circuitry then this must-read series was written just for you!


Precision Voltage and Current Reference with Touchscreen Control (Part 1)

This new design, based on the Micromite LCD Backpack with touchscreen, lets you generate any voltage from 0 to 37V with 0.1% or better accuracy, with the added convenience of a touch-screen interface. It can also act as a precision current source or sink from 1mA to several amps, and is largely self-calibrating.  The design doubles as a precision AC signal or DC voltage attenuator/ divider. Please note Part 2 will be published in the December issue.

Surface mount design needs good soldering skills


New Power Transformer for the Currawong

Many constructors have been enthusiastic about the original Currawong valve (vacuum tube) stereo amplifier we published in November/ December 2015 and January 2016. However it had a complicated power supply employing two transformers, so now we present a much simplified circuit based on a single toroidal transformer which also reduces costs.


Micromite Plus Explore 100 (Part 2)

Last month we introduced the Explore 100 module, described its features and gave the circuit details. Part 2 this month includes assembly details, display mounting, testing and fault-finding.


Also in this issue:


  • Techno Talk – some jargon demystified
  • Net Work – the Internet column - it's all change at the EPE Chat Zone forum, and the Medion 2.1 Internet radio is taken for a spin
  • PIC n MIX – Part 2 of a simple PIC-based sinewave generator
  • Circuit Surgery – a scholarly summary of  digital syntax and temperature sensors
  • Audio Out – the Peak ESR70 capac itor ESR tester reviewed
  • Max’s Cool Beans – are we on the verge of the next Industrial Revolution?
  • Product Review: the Fuze coding platform


Next month

50 Amp Battery Charger Controller; Phono Input Converter; Micropower LED Flasher; Micromite Plus Advanced Programming (Part 1); Teach-In 2018 (Part 2).

Contents may be subect to change.


EPE is packed with practical electronics projects and theory for the hobbyist. You can order a printed copy of EPE for delivery to your door (worldwide), or try the PDF Version (needs Adobe Reader for Windows), or the Pocketmags for your mobile device. Subscribe now!


Source code file 1017.zip [PIC n MIX]


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The October 2007 issue included a "V8 Doorbell", a Standby Power Controller, how to build your own Seismograph, and an Inductance and Q Factor Meter.


PCB artwork


As from July 2013 issue PCB artwork is available free to subscribers only.


Non-subscribers may purchase artwork files for a nominal sum. Please contact our Orders Dept for information or to place an order.


EPE Printed Circuit Boards


We can supply ready-made printed circuit boards (8-digit order codes) to the original design specification via mail order or from our Online Shop.

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