Web site Terms of Use and additional information

Privacy Policy

Your personal details are completely confidential. Any personal data that you provide will not be disclosed without your permission to any associated third parties except to enable us to fulfill customer orders (if necessary), or to enable us to respond further to an individual enquiry. Information provided to us may be stored on our secure systems for routine accounting and record-keeping purposes in the future.


Webserver Statistics and Usage

Server logs mainly show the volume of traffic, its approximate origins and number of hits that our websites receive. They routinely record visitors’ IP addresses in raw data. Such data cannot be used by us to identify individuals, nor can any other personal information be derived from it by us.


Neither we nor our Internet Service Provider will release such data to any third party except to law enforcement or other bodies or agencies as required by English law.

Cookie Policy

This web site carries adverts supplied by independent agencies or third-party advertisers.


By using this website and clicking the 'OK I've got it' opt-in button you consent to the use of cookies. Third-party advertisers may use them to track visitors' browsing preferences.


The publishers of Practical Electronics do not control the nature of these advertisements. Third-party vendors use cookies to serve ads. based on a user’s personal browsing history. This is sometimes called "behavioural" or "interest-based" advertising.


The Practical Electronics website and ECommerce system may use cookies to improve your experience, eg during online shopping. Your personal identity cannot be established from these or any other cookies.


Cookies can be disabled by consulting your browser's Help file. You can also opt out of some third-party vendor's use of cookies for ‘interest-based advertising’ by visiting aboutads.info.


If you choose not to disable or modify the use of cookies, then by continuing your visit to our web sites you consent to the use of cookies in this way.


Also see www.allaboutcookies.org/ for more in-depth advice.


Legal Disclaimer

The entire contents of this website are Copyright © Electron Publishing Limited.  Its contents may not be copied, extracted or otherwise redistributed in any other format without our express permission.


All material is given in good faith but “as is” and is used at your risk. We accept no responsibility for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions it may contain nor for any consequences arising out of its use. E&OE.


We believe that all material is free from viruses, adware, malware or other malicious content. We cannot however guarantee it and you should take measures to protect your system from any undue risks. We will not be held responsible for any losses, outcomes or any other consequences as a result of downloading, referring or otherwise using any of the material hosted on this website, nor for any outage or interruption to this service which is beyond our control.


How to contact us

Our Contacts page contains our Email, phone and letter post details and we will be glad to help you with any queries or questions that you would like to ask. Technical queries cannot be handled by phone.


Last updated 2nd May 2019

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