February 2010 Issue

A summary of this month's contents.

Working Days Alarm Clock

In addition to displaying time, this alarm clock also displays the working days left to the end of the year; day, date, month and year with leap year adjustment, BST/GMT and bank holiday adjustment too! Country selection stored in EPROM in case of power failure.


Charge Controller for 12V lead acid chargers

Provides automatic control, cyclic and float charging. Fully automatic, suits 12V lead-acid and SLA up to 10A rating. Optional absorption phase, temperature compensation.


Low cost LPT-I2C Interface for debugging

Tracking down problems in circuits which are programmed via an I2C bus can be tricky and time-consuming, unless you use a debugging program running on a PC. This low-cost solution is a printer port to I2C interface designed to work with the Philips/ NXP debugging program URD312.exe.


Recycle it!

A salvaged stepper motor is 'transformed' into a high-power alternator for really effective lighting, even at low speed.


Teach-In 2010 (Part 3) Ladder Logic Programming for the PICmicro

Counters & PWM Waveforms.


Also in this issue:

  • Propeller Demo Board Review
  • Rapman 3D Printer
  • PIC n MIX - commercial video modules
  • Interface USB-Serial conversion




Source code 0210.zip

PCB files pcb0210.zip


LPT-I2C Debugging Interface: URD312.exe is available in the Library


Source codes for Teach-In 2010: Ladder Logic programming for the PICMicroare also available for free download in the Teach-In section of our Library.

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