March 2019 Issue

A summary of this month's contents.

Bumper 80-page issue this month!
From the April 2019 issue we will have a smart new look and title, reverting to Practical Electronics. Watch for PE on the newsstands, or why not subscribe now and save time and money!

10-LED Bargraph Display

This 10-LED display will enhance many projects or audio circuits and can provide a linear, log, VU or PPM (Peak Program Meter) display. More configurable and efficient than legacy LM3914-type designs, this versatile design can respond to AC or DC input voltages (from 583mV to 55V) and uses readily-available components. You can also choose your preferred colour and shape of LED, and it suits both surface-mount and through-hole types of LED.


Arduino Earthquake Early Warning Alarm

Earthquakes can strike anywhere and even here in Britain we have had the odd earthquake or two over the years. With the focus on trying to obtain as early a warning as possible, this Arduino-based project uses an accelerometer as a sensor that can trigger a piezo sounder to warn of possible earth tremors.

It’s cheap and easy to build and might have other applications as well – with the increased use of fracking (hydraulic fracturing) for gas and oil extraction, it could monitor local ground disturbances and alert nearby residents, or it might find other uses in volcanic areas or regions prone to landslip.  A self-contained Li-Ion solar-power supply is also described which makes the project entirely self-contained.


New hands-on series! Make it with Micromite

This new series is devoted to getting to grips with the extremely powerful Micromite, a tiny PIC-powered, BASIC-programmable microcontroller device that punches way about its weight (and height).  In Part 2 we get hands-on with practical details of the Micromite Keyring Computer (MKC).  It’s so simple to build and can form the heart of many sophisticated projects in the future.


MIDI Ultimate Synthesiser – Part 2

In association with this month we have a real treat for analogue synth. fans with a ten-page bumper article describing the construction of the power supply and sections of the main MIDI Ultimate PCB. This superbly-written series contains everything needed to build this synthesiser with confidence by anyone having moderate soldering skills. Plenty of friendly helpful advice and encouragement is provided in this series, so be sure to check out this exciting design and see what it can do for you.


Using Cheap Asian Electronic Modules
(Part 14) Banggood’s RF Detector

This nifty RF Detector module from Banggood can measure the power of RF signals from 1MHz to 8GHz over a range of 60dB. The device is based on the Analog devices AD8318 chip and some applications are explored in this month’s feature.


Teach-In 2019 – Powering electronics

Part 4: Switched-mode power supplies

Our popular Teach-In tutorial series continues to examine the principles of power supply circuit design and operation, this month turning attention to switched-mode power supplies (SMPS).  More efficient and smaller than simple regulated designs, an SMPS is becoming increasingly the choice to power many smaller projects and is commonly used in mains adaptors (wall warts).


This month’s Teach-In outlines various forms of SMPS and follows up with a practical project: a switched-mode boost converter. A useful feature on proper fuse selection is also included – quick-blow or slow-blow, we explain which fuse offers the best protection for your projects.

Switched-mode power supplies can contain potentially lethal high voltages. Observe the warnings and cautions in this article carefully.

Also in this month’s issue:


  • Techno Talk – trends in cyber security and hardware
  • Net Work – Bluetooth beacons, choices for Google Assistant-powered gardgets
  • Audio Out – plans for a universal audio power supply for low-level audio circuitry
  • Circuit Surgery – an intensive primer on MOSFET power switches (Part 1)
  • PIC n’ MIX – Building circuits with SMDs (Part 2) – practical advice for creating a professional PCB using modern design and sourcing techniques
  • Electronic Building Blocks  - a K-Type Thermocouple digital display  for under £6 is described in this enjoyable series.


Next month

Teach-In 2019 (Part 5): switched-mode controllers; Internet GPS Time Source; IR-sensing Heater Controller; Low-cost Electronic Modules (Part 15) Wi-fi Data Transceiver; MIDI Ultimate Synthesiser (Part 3) - adding the VCA, echo, noise and headphone amp. Make It With Micromite (Part 3) MKC Development module.


Contents may be subject to change.


There’s more in EPE than ever before! EPE is packed with practical electronics projects and theory for the hobbyist. You can order a printed copy of EPE for delivery to your door (worldwide), or try the PDF Version (needs Adobe Reader for Windows), or the Pocketmags for your mobile device. Subscribe now!



Source code file
[CS LTSpice; Earthquake det; PIOC n MIX]


EPE is changing!

This month represents the very last appearance of Everyday Practical Electronics. From the next issue we will have a fresh new look and a new title - we're reverting to our original name of Practical Electronics but all the regular features and great content will still be here. Be sure to check the newsstands for the new style of PE.





During the change of ownership from Wimborne Publishing Ltd., to Electron Publishing Limited, both Publishers will continue to work jointly for an interim period to assure a smooth handover. Contact details, website information and various T&Cs are in the process of being updated.



The March 2009 issue had an LED Tachometer (Part 2), an LCD Digital Stereo VU/ Peak Meter, a Tank Water Level Indicator and a breadboarded Bat Detector.


PCB artwork


As from July 2013 issue PCB artwork is available free to subscribers only.


Non-subscribers may purchase artwork files for a nominal sum. Please contact our Orders Dept for information or to place an order.


EPE Printed Circuit Boards


We can supply ready-made printed circuit boards (8-digit order codes) to the original design specification via mail order or from our Online Shop.

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