Projects in the October 2001 issue of EPE Magazine

EPE Toolkit Mk. 3 for PICmicros
EPE's programming aid for Microchip PIC microcontrollers has now been enhanced by popular demand! Compatible with our new Windows-based Toolkit TK3 software (see the extra 16-page supplement in the November 2001 issue). Suits PIC™ 16x84, 16F873-874 and 8-pin devices. Now you have the ultimate all-in-one solution for developing the hardware and software associated with Microchip PICprojects. Next month we walk you through our new Windowssoftware - pure bliss for PICfans everywhere! Like most of our projects, our software will be FREE for download.

In March 2002 issue (P.200) a revised version of the software V1.2 was announced, downloadable from the FTP site.

Camcorder Power Supply
- enjoy more filming and playback time from your 6V-9·6V camcorder with our switched-mode power supply. Using a high-capacity lead acid battery, our portable design has a mains/ 12V integral charger and provides some 11 hours' continuous operation.

2 Valve (Vacuum Tube) Short Wave Radio Receiver
- our simple nostalgic design will delight and intrigue younger readers and all those interested in exploring vacuum tube radio reception. Utilising two DF91 tubes, it covers approx. 5MHz - 13MHz short wave. Unlike its high-voltage predecessors, our design runs safely from a number of 9V batteries. Enjoy building and learn at the same time, with our novel design!
Perpetual Projects
- three more novel projects round off our interesting mini-series of solar-powered projects. Thanks to the large capacity solar-charged GoldCap, each project charges up during the day and will run "for ever"! This month - Gate Sentinel, Bird Scarer and Who's In - Who's Out Register. Don't forget to check previous months' issues for more intriguing designs!

Also in this issue, Ingenuity Unlimited (readers' own circuit ideas), Interface offers you a single chip 32 bit output port. New Technology Update outlines thermocouple-based accelerometers. Circuit Surgery tells you how to calculate the size of heatsinks. Net Work — The Internet Page — examines the Sircam Worm.