Projects in the September 1998 issue of EPE Magazine
This PIC16C84-based project provides a digital display of altitude in both meters and feet, barometric pressure in millibars, and temperature, too! Portable design.
Personal Stereo Amplifier
- a battery-powered add-on stereo amplifier. Coupled with the high efficiency of the specified speakers, it provides more than enough volume for many listening purposes.

Mains Socket Tester
- a design for a simple plug-in tester, checks out the integrity of your mains socket wiring. Tests for reversed connections, earth faults etc. Stripboard, transformerless design for the experienced constructor.

Teach-In 98 (11)
- our Teach-In team from the University of Hull conclude their marathon 11-part series on an Introduction to Digital Electronics with a look at digital signal processing, demonstration of a RAM chip, and a digital echo unit using the principles outlined in the series, that included a detailed look at discrete logic, Karnaugh Maps and more, along with lots of practical work.

Greenhouse Monitoring System (3)
- RF Link using ready-aligned approved transmitter. You can plot greenhouse measurements via a spreadsheet, using the data gathered via the RF link.