Projects in the July 2005 issue of EPE Magazine

Cybervox "Dalek" Voice Emulator and Effects Unit. BBC Television's sci-fi character "Dr. Who" has returned at last! In celebration we present a PIC microcontroller based unit that generates the robotic voices that are so characteristic of the evil Dalek robotic creatures (it says here). ExTerMiNaTe!!

Our project features modulation, delay and reverb controls, optional built in microphone and audio amp output. Remember: you don't need computer experience to assemble our PIC projects, as pre-programmed microcontrollers are readily available from our advertisers that you can solder directly into the circuit board.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE (August 05 issue P 583) On p. 464 Fig 6, the capacitor at the top centre of the p.c.b. marked C19 should be annotated C13.

More details, video and sound clips, archives, trailers, photos and resources are on the exceptional BBC TV Dr Who web page. Video trailers are available, requires Real Player. See episodes 6 and 12 trailers. Flash Dalek game also online. Be sure to try the RadioPhonatron too!

LF and VLF Converter. Following on from our Practical Radio Circuits (June '03 to Jan 05), this follow-up article is designed for the reception of low (LF) and very low (VLF) frequencies. The simple converter unit allows a high performance receiver to tune into transmissions from below 10kHz to 350kHz. In the 1kHz to 20kHz region, whistlers or howlers are found that are natural electromagnetic phenonemon caused by distant lightning. Modular construction for practical experimenters, with top quality constructional diagrams to enable you to build the projects with confidence.

(Above and left) Q-Multiplier & Loop Aerial Project (Above) Front controls of the Converter

Also, alternative aerial systems are described.

Multi-Clap Switch. Clapping a preset number of times (with preset intervals between claps) turns a relay on and off. Uses a piezo disc as a microphone. Ideal for a number of control and anti-theft applications, this design uses straightforward 4000 CMOS logic devices to produce a sound-sensitive code switch.

Back To Logic Basics Doorchime and Electronic Dice. Our simple CMOS logic projects continues with two more popular applications that can be constructed by the beginner.

Also in this issue:

  • Ingenuity Unlimited (readers' own circuity ideas).
  • Techno Talk on how "squinting" helps transmit radio beams round corners;
  • PIC n MIX on PIC code re-use;
  • Disovering PICS - Review.
  • Circuit Surgery on using CompactFlash cards with PICs.