Projects in the April 2005 issue of EPE Magazine
"Spontaflex" 550kHz to 30MHz Radio Receiver - Nothing quite matches the sheer thrill of hearing radio broadcasts received on your very own home-made radio receiver. This is a modern day update of Sir Douglas Hall's famous Spontaflex circuit. A two transistor design with audio amplifier i.c. output stage, full constructional details are included to enable you to build the project with confidence. Also the article honours the work of Sir Douglas Hall KCMG, MA, who was variously described as an "inveterate experimenter with wireless, but no mere tinkerer".

BACK TO LOGIC BASICS! A new series of simple circuits showing how useful circuits can be produced with CMOS logic devices as the active components. Part 1 starts with an introduction to CMOS logic, and a simple contructional project "Fridge Freezer" Door Alarm that detects the cold air that spills out of an open freezer door.

Safety Interface - A flexible interface for PIC/ logic/ PC to mains controllers. This project will enable constructors to experiment with the regulation of power to, or switching of, mains powered equipment via a microcontroller or logic circuit, or if used with EPE's Serial Interface, a PC, in safety. Uses an opto-isolator and triac assembly.

Only suitable for experienced and skilled electronics constructors.

Smart Karts (Part 7) - Our PIC-powered buggy metamorphs once again and bursts into a song and dance routine! A fascinating series to follow, our Smart Kart project is published with full constructional details, diagrams and photographs included as you'd expect from EPE! The final part is published in next month 's issue.

Special Feature: PIC18F Microcontroller family introduction. What can this new range of PICmicros offer you? Interface for PC users - a computer controlled power supply with current limiting feature. Circuit Surgery - introducing thermistors - how they work and how to use them. PIC n MIX - Mixing C and Assembler with PICC Lite. Net Work (The Internet Page) on phishing and other Internet fraud. Techno Talk - the evolution of intelligent "cat's eye" road safety markers.